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Doubling Farmers' Income (DFI)



Karnataka state has a total of 86.81 lakhs holdings spread across 118.05 lakh hectares of the operated area. Marginal and Small farmers account for 80.41 per cent of the total holdings operating 43.94 per cent of the total cultivated area. The gross cropped area was 120.59 lakh hectares. Out of 112.27 lakh hectares of net area sown, the net irrigated area was 30.39 per cent. Food crops accounted for 77.20 per cent of the gross cropped area. Cereals accounted for 41.65 per cent of the gross cropped area, whereas the share of oilseeds was 12.31 per cent and that of pulses was 21.15 per cent. Among cereals, Maize accounted for the largest area of 27.86 per cent, followed by Paddy 26.37 per cent, Sorghum 17.86 per cent, and Finger millet by 17.01 per cent. In terms of percentage share of the irrigated area to the total area, sugarcane accounted for the highest share followed by paddy. Karnataka is the leading state for Horticulture crops with an area of 23.25 lakh hectare. Karnataka ranks first in area under plantation crops with 48.56 per cent of the area under horticulture crops. Vegetables occupy 20.64 per cent, fruit crops occupy 16.68 per cent and spices cover 12.81 per cent of the area. The total value of horticulture produce was worth Rs.46254 crores during 2019-20. Cashew, spices, small onion, small cucumber, coffee and processed products of horticulture were the major exported commodities from the state. Karnataka has rich resources under livestock with 84.69 lakh cattle, 29.85 lakh buffalo, 61.69 lakh goats, 110.51 lakh sheep and 594.95 lakh poultry birds. The state produces 7901000 tonnes of milk, 59994 lakh eggs and 253604 tonnes of meat annually. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has established 33 Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in the state to promote technology driven agricultural development. Out of 33 KVKs, 26 are with State Agricultural Universities (UAS Bengaluru, UAS Dharwad, UAS Raichur, UHS Bagalkot, UAHS Shivamogga and KVAFSU Bidar), two are with ICAR Institutes and five are with Non-Government Organizations. As part of the national agenda of doubling farmers income, the ICAR KVKs took up documentation of successful farmers who could enhance their income with the help and support of technological interventions by the KVKs. A brief summary of interventions, the impact in terms of household income under different components and the change in income for different land-class categories is given below:

1. Sector-specific Interventions by 33 KVKs involving 3648 farmers

1.1 Field crops

  • Introduction of improved varieties of paddy viz., Gangavathi Sona, RNR 15048, MAS 26, KHP 13, KKP 5, direct seeding of rice (DSR), mechanical sowing and integrated crop management (ICM) practices.
  • Introduction of new varieties of finger-millet (ML 365, KMR 340, 630, MR 6), sorghum (SPV 2217) and foxtail millet (DHFt 109-3).
  • Integrated pest management (IPM) of fall armyworm in maize.
  • Introduction of new pigeonpea varieties viz., BRG 3, 4, 5, GRG 811, TS3R, BSMR 736 and its intercropping in maize.
  • Introduction of sugarcane variety VCF 517, adoption of nutrient management practices and biological control of root grub.
  • Promotion of a new groundnut varieties GPBD 4, G 2-52, DH 256, ICGV 03043, K 6, KDG 128 and cultivation of groundnut in rice fallows.
  • Introduction of new varieties of chickpea (JAKI 9218, BGD 111-1), greengram (DGGV 2, BGS 9), blackgram (LBG 791), horsegram (PHG 9, CRIDA 18), safflower (PBNS 12), sunflower (KBSH 53, RFSH 1887) and soybean (DSb 21).
  • Promotion of micronutrient and pest management in cotton.
  • Promotion of intercropping in sugarcane, cotton, maize, pigeonpea and groundnut.
  • Adoption of dryland production technologies such as compartment bunding, seed hardening/treatment with CaCl2 and farm pond supported protective irrigation.
  • Improved pulses production technologies such as use of pulse magic and nipping.

1.2 Horticulture crops

  • Introduction of new varieties/hybrids of chilli (Aka Kyathi, Arka Haritha), weed management and bio-intensive pest/disease management.
  • Introduction of new hybrids of tomato (Arka Rakshak, Arka Abhed) and integrated pest and disease management practices.
  • Promotion of new varieties of frenchbean (Arka Arjun, Sharat, Suvidha).
  • Nutrient management in coconut to reduce nut dropping.
  • Banana disease management and foliar nutrition.
  • Nutrient and disease management in arecanut, arecanut husk decomposition.
  • Mango pest disease management, mango special as micro-nutrient supplement, post harvest management including safe ripening and marketing.
  • Introduction of new onion varieties (Bhima Super, Bhima Shakti), management of pests and diseases.
  • Promotion of good management practices in ginger including rhizome rot management.
  • Introduction of new turmeric variety Pratibha and its processing at farm level for value addition.
  • Promotion of new varieties of ridge gourd (Arka Prasan), okra (Arka Nikitha) and tuberose (Arka Prajwal).

1.3 Animal Husbandary

  • Promotion of balanced nutrition, area-specific mineral mixture and clean milk production practices in dairy animals.
  • Promotion of fodder varieties DHN 6, CoFS 29, 30, 31 Co 3,4,5 and fodder seed production units.
  • Introduction of breeds of backyard poultry (Swarnadhara, Kadaknath), low-cost incubation and hatchery unit and feed supplementation with azolla.
  • Cost-efficient nutrition management with locally-prepared feed formulations.
  • Semi-intensive and intensive sheep and goat farming, micronutrient supplementation and deworming practices.

1.4 Farm and non-farm enterprises

  • Seed production of cereals, pulses, oilseeds and fodder crops.
  • Horticultural nursery for seedlings of fruit, plantation and vegetable crops.
  • Mulberry cultivation and silkworm rearing for cocoon production.
  • Bee-keeping for honey production and its value addition.
  • Millet processing and value addition.
  • Value addition to fig, direct and digital marketing strategies.
  • Custom hiring of farm machinery and coconut climbing.

2. Impact on Household Income

The average income of farm households, before and after the interventions, more than doubled (2.47 times) between 2016-17 and 2020-21 (Table 1). The share of enterprises in household income, although small, experienced 4.3 times increase during this period. Income from fisheries increased four-fold and from livestock 3.1 times. Livestock sector consolidated its share in the household income to 11.26 per cent in 2020-21 from 8.98 per cent in 2016-17. Horticulture component experienced 2.5 times increase in income over benchmark year. It proved to be the dominant source of household income with contribution of 58.06 per cent to the additional income.

Table 1. Level and change in household income

Crops & Enterprises Net Income % increase in income % share in total income % share in additional income
2016-2017 2020-2021 2016-2017 2020-2021
Field crops 78925 153727 94.78 30.65 24.17 19.76
Horticulture 144549 364361 152.07 56.13 57.28 58.06
Livestock 23133 71654 209.75 8.98 11.26 12.82
Fisheries 1921 7687 300.16 0.75 1.21 1.52
Farm & non-farm enterprises 8985 38670 330.38 3.49 6.08 7.84
Total 257513 636099 147.02 100.00 100.00 100.00

Farmers from all land classes benefitted from the technical interventions (Table 2). However, the households at the bottom of land distribution benefitted relatively more. The income of the landless families increased 3.5 times (251.2%). Marginal and small farm households were benefited by 2.6- and 2.5- times increased income, respectively. The medium and large farm households could realize 2.4 times increase in their household income.

Table 2. Income level and change in household income by land class

Landless No. of households % share in total household Net income (Rs/household) % share in additional income
2016-2017 2020-2021
Landless 20 0.55 78702 276401 251.20
Marginal (Lessthan 1ha) 790 21.66 109268 286108 161.84
(1-2 ha)
1479 40.54 175155 441184 151.88
Medium (2-4 ha) 865 23.71 296934 721890 143.11
(>4 ha)
494 13.54 679367 1643701 141.95
Total 3648 100.00 257513 636099 147.02


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Bangalore Rural

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Dakshina Kannada

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Uttara Kannada

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Kerala state has a total geographical area of 3886287 ha, with a total cropped area of 2627577 ha. The net sown area was 2023073 ha, with a cropping intensity of 130 per cent. The state has 75.83 lakh holdings, out of which most of the holdings were marginal (96.33%). In the gross cropped area of 25.69 lakh hectares in 2020-21, food crops comprising rice, pulses, tapioca, ragi, small millets, sweet potato and other tubers occupied 11.03 per cent. Paddy is the major cereal crop cultivated in 2.02 lakh ha area. The state is known for horticultural crops as coconut is cultivated in 7.69 lakh ha area occupying 29.9 per cent of the cultivated area. Kerala has a substantial share in the four plantation crops of rubber, tea, coffee and cardamom. These four crops together occupied 7.11 lakh ha, accounting for 27.7 per cent of the total cropped area in the State. Pepper (4.09%) and banana (3.78 %) are the other major horticultural crops occupying good share of the cultivated area. Cashew is cultivated in an area of 43090 ha. The State has been focusing on vegetable development programmes with the objective of attaining self-sufficiency in vegetable production giving thrust to safe to eat cultivation. Livestock and fisheries sector are the emerging sectors with focus on processing, value addition, farm and non-farm enterprises and agri-business development. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has established 14 Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in the state to promote science and technology led agricultural development. Out of 14 KVKs, seven are with Kerala Agricultural University, four are with ICAR Institutes and three are with Non-Government Organizations. As part of the national agenda of doubling farmers income, the ICAR KVKs took up documentation of successful farmers who could enhance their income with the help and support of technological interventions by the KVKs. A brief summary of interventions, the impact in terms of household income under different components and the change in income for different land-class categories is given below:

1. Sector-specific Interventions by 33 KVKs involving 3648 farmers

1.1 Field crops

  • Introduction of high yielding varieties of paddy (Manuratna, Shreyas), micronutrient management, promotion of soil amendments like dolomite and disease management, low-cost bio inputs like PGPR mix, and rice husk ash.
  • Integrated pest disease management with Tricho cards, Trichoderma, Pseudomonas, Metarhizium, Ayar and Sampoorna in vegetable crops.
  • Summer fallow cultivation of green gram, black gram, sesame, cowpea, summer vegetable, and horticulture-based integrated farming system.
  • Promotion of secondary and micronutrient management (boron, magnesium, zinc), dolomite and growing of dhiancha as a green manure crop for improving crop productivity.

1.2 Horticulture crops

  • Promotion of coconut based intercropping of vegetables, fodder and spices, integrated management of red palm/ rhinoceros beetle and soil test based nutrient management in coconut.
  • Integrated crop management in banana and use of Ayar as nutrient supplement.
  • Promotion of IISR variety Thevam, quality planting material, balanced nutrition, and biological disease management in black pepper.
  • IPDM and INM in small cardamom using entamo pathogenic nematode (EPN) and bio- intensive pest disease management.
  • Introduction of bee keeping to increase the capsule setting in small cardamom.
  • Skill development in rubber tapping techniques in collaboration with rubber board.
  • Promotion of Arka vegetable special as a nutrition management in vegetables.
  • Promotion of new tuber crop varieties - tapioca (Sree Pavithra), amarphophallus (Gajendra) and introduction of semi–manual harvester.
  • Introduction of cocoa and meliponiculture.
  • Promotion of bush pepper production, marketing assistance involving buy back of bush pepper plants, and bio-intensive management of diseases.
  • Soil test based nutrient management, in-situ organic manuring, Trichoderma enriched manure application.
  • Introduction of Arka Mangala variety of yard long bean.

1.3 Animal Husbandary

  • Introduction of scientific farming of mullet and pearlspot in ponds, cage culturing, ornamental fish farming and scientific pond management practices.
  • Introduction of new breeds of poultry (Gramasri, Kadaknath), use of low cost cage system, feed supplementation and capacity building on broiler farming.
  • Expansion of dairy units with the support of fodder production, timely insemination, management of ecto-parasites and micro nutrient supplementation.
  • Prophylactic management for prevention and control of mastitis in dairy animals.
  • Hydroponics green fodder production, azolla production and supplementation.
  • Facilitation in marketing and procurement of quality chicks.
  • Scientific goat rearing under semi-intensive and intensive management.

1.4 Farm and non-farm enterprises

  • Capacity development and supporting for mushroom farming spawn production, marketing of fresh, processed and branded products.
  • Capacity building for value addition of coconut, jackfruit and handholding for enterprises establishment.
  • Promotion of entrepreneurship through dry fish unit, produce and sell dressed fish and safe to eat fish.
  • Facilitation of nursery management, gardening and landscaping with regular agro advisory services.
  • Technical backstopping for coconut oil extraction and supporting FPOs to take up rice grain milling and coconut oil extraction as enterprises.

2. Impact on Household Income

The average income of farm households (before and after the interventions) more than doubled (2.65 times) between 2016-17 and 2020-21 (Table 1). The share of enterprises in household income experienced a 5.3-times increase during this period. Fisheries income increased by 5.1 times, consolidating enterprise share in the household income increased to 11.32 per cent in 2020-21 from 5.65 per cent in 2016-17. Horticulture, the dominant source of household income, experienced 2.4 times increase in its contribution to household income.

Table 1. Level and change in household income

Crops & Enterprises Net Income % increase in income % share in total income % share in additional income
2016-2017 2020-2021 2016-2017 2020-2021
Field crops 18383 44569 142.45 11.78 10.77 10.16
Horticulture 107184 259671 142.27 68.66 62.73 59.15
Livestock 20160 54743 171.54 12.91 13.22 13.41
Fisheries 1574 8077 413.15 1.01 1.95 2.52
Enterprises 8818 46876 431.59 5.65 11.32 14.76
Total 156118 413936 165.14 100.00 100.00 100.00

Farmers from all land classes benefitted from the technical interventions (Table 2). In particular, income of the landless families increased 3.88 times, the highest for all classes, because of lower benchmark income levels. Income for marginal landholding households was increased by 2.9 times and all other categories could increase farm household income by 2.5 times.

Table 2. Income level and change in household income by land class

Landless No. of households % share in total household Net income (Rs/household) % share in additional income
2016-2017 2020-2021
Landless 71 4.60 41670 161719 288.09
Marginal (<1.0ha) 951 61.55 98246 285220 190.31
(1-2 ha)
320 20.71 204967 510741 149.18
Medium (2-4 ha) 136 8.80 332104 816113 145.74
(>4 ha)
67 4.34 508308 1229496 141.88
Total 1545 100.00 156118 413936 165.14


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