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Crop Interventions
Arecanut Assessment of Different Compost cultures in composting of Areca husk
Arecanut Assessment of Spindle-bug
Arecanut Evaluation of Arecanut harvesting machine and equipment
Aster Assessment of Aster varieties
Bajra Assessment of intercropping system
Banana Assess Nutrition requirement in Banana for Coastal Karnataka
Banana Assessment of intercrops in G9 Banana
Banana Effective control of Panama wilt by using stem injection method to enhance yield
Banana Evaluation of banana varieties for making processed food products
Bengalgram Assessment of nipping techniques
Bengalgram Assessment of potential productivity of BGD-111 & DBGV-204 varieties
Bengalgram Assessment of wilt management practices
Bhendi Assessment of different varieties/hybrids
Bhendi Assessment of new hybrids
Bhendi Evaluation of performance of bhindi varieties
Black gram Assessing the performance of the varieties
Black gram Assessment on performance of varieties against yellow mosaic disease
Black pepper Assessment for Effective management of wilt (slow & quick )
Black pepper Assessment of black pepper varieties
Black pepper Assessment of different potting mixture to produce healthy planting material
Black pepper Assessment of different varieties of Black pepper as intercrop in Arecanut gardens
Black pepper Assessment of Pepper varieties for higher yield potential in high altitude region
Black pepper Eco friendly management of sucking insects in black pepper
Black pepper Evaluation of grafting technology to manage wilt disease in black pepper
Black pepper Evaluation of different plant growth promoting microbes for the anagement of insect pests and diseases of black pepper in northern midland laterite areas of Kannur
Cabbage Assessment of cabbage varieties for rainy season cultivation in rain shelters
Cassava Assessment of nutrient use efficient (NUE) cassava genotypes for reducing chemical NPK fertilizers
Cassava Assessment of nutrient use efficient (NUE) cassava genotypes for reducing chemical NPK fertilizers
Chickpea Assessing the performance of Chickpea varieties under residual soil moisture
Chickpea Assessment of Chickpea varieties
Chickpea Assessment of Chick pea genotypes GBM-2
Chickpea Assessment of Chickpea varieties against Dry Root Rot
Chickpea Assessment of chickpea varieties for higher yield and mechanical harvesting
Chickpea Assessment of Chickpea varieties for stress
Chickpea Assessment of chickpea varieties for wilt and dry root rot
Chickpea Assessment of Chickpea varieties Suitable for Mechanical Harvesting & Higher productivity
Chickpea Assessment of technologies against Sulphur & Zinc deficiency in Chickpea
Chickpea Assessment of Chickpea varieties suitable for mechanical harvesting & higher productivity
Chilli Assessment of new varieties of chilli
Chickpea Assessment of Chilli hybrid KBCH-1 and ArkaKyathi
Chickpea Assessment of Chilli hybrids for suitability
Chickpea Assessment of Chilli hybrids for yield potential and disease resistance
Chickpea Assessment of chilli hybrids for yield potential,disease & pest resistance
Chickpea Assessment of chilli varieties against Thhrips
Chickpea Assessment of chilli varieties for higher yield and disease incidence
Chickpea Murda disease management in Chilli
Chickpea Assessment of Chilli Hybrids for Yield potentiality
Chrysanthemum Variety assessment
Coconut Assessment of amaranth varieties for intercropping in coconut gardens
Chrysanthemum Varietal evaluation of dwarf coconut palm varieties
Chrysanthemum Assessment of coir pith wick for wick irrigation system
Compost Assessment of Different Compost Cultures in Composting Sericulture Wastes
Compost Evaluation of performance of different compost culture to decompose arecanut husk
Composting of organic wastes Efficiency of microbial inoculums for composting of organic wastes
Coriander Assessment of leaf coriander varieties
Cotton Assessment of Cotton PLUS in cotton
Cowpea Asseessment of AMF and PPFM towards the management of moisture stress
Cowpea Assesment of Tricho capsule and talc based Trichoderma for the management of wilt
Cowpea Assessment of cowpea varieties
Cowpea Assessment of high yielding, heat tolerant and short duration grain cowpea varieties
Cowpea Assessment of new Cowpea varieties
Cucumber Assessment of downy mildew management
Dairy Assessment of effective Acaricide to control Ectoparasite infestation in dairy cows
Dairy Assessment of maize silage and hybrid napier silage for dairy animals using low cost silo bags
Dairy Effect of feeding urea-treated dry fodders along with grain mixture for better performance in Dairy Animals.
Dairy Proposed-Assessment of different concentrate feed formulations in cross bred cows during peak production
Dairy Treatment of Clinical Mastitis in high yielding cross breeds
Dairy Probiotics Supplementation on Lactation and conception in Milch Cows
Decomposing cultures Assessment of decomposing cultures in compost preparation
Drumstick Assessment of crop management practices in drumstick for higher yield
Finger millet Assessment of finger millet varieties in tribal belt
Fisheries Assessment of growth and yield performance of GIFT Tilapia
Fisheries Assessment of productivity of Pangasius and tilapia in farm ponds
Fodder Assessment of new forage super Napier for its productivity and forage quality
Fodder Assessment of seed production potential of multicut fodder sorghum varieties
Fodder Assessment of fodder grass and fodder cow pea intercropping in coconut based homesteads
Fodder Performance of perennial shrub fodder- Chaya (Cnidoscolusaconitifolius )
Ginger Assessment of performance of NPK capsules in organic ginger production
Goat Assessment of different approaches to reduce neonatal mortality and enhance of body weight in goats
Goat Performance evaluation of goat’s after feeding mineral supplementation and probiotics
Greengram Assessment of greengram cultivars for yield and MYMV resistance
Greengram Assessment of greengram varieties for higher productivity
Greengram Assessment of greengram variety KKM – 3 for higher yield
Groundnut Assessment of high yielding varieties during summer
Groundnut Assessment of groundnut varieties for early harvest and higher productivity
Groundnut Assessment of Groundnut varieties for high productivity.
Groundnut Assessment of groundnut varieties for short duration and higher productivity
Groundnut Assessment of groundnut verities for yield and disease resistance (G2-52-1 and GPBD 4)
Groundnut Assessment of groundnut verities for yield and disease resistance(DH 256 DH 86)
Groundnut Assessment of new high yielding
Human Nutrition Assessment of methods for nutritional adequacy in different Agrobased farming system
Human Nutrition Assessment of Nutritional status among farm families
Human Nutrition Assessment of anemia among adolescent Girls
Human Nutrition Assessment of methods for nutritional adequacy in Agro-based farming systems
Jack fruit Assessment of Ready to cook dehydrated Jack fruit
Jack fruit Assessment of ready to cook dehydrated jack fruit
Jasmine Assessment of different storage methods to extend shelf life of Jasmine
Jasmine Assessment of Pruning time in Udupi Jasmine
Knolkhol Assessment of knolkhol varieties in Wayanad
Mango Assessment of suitable intercrops for Mango orchards
Knolkhol Management of Leaf hopper and powdery mildew in Mango
Marigold Assessment of Marigold varieties
Millets Assessment of Foxtail Millet Varieties during Late Kharif for Higher Yield and Income
Mint Assessment of Spearmint varieties
Mulberry Assessment of different compost culture in composting of Seri farm residue
Mulberry Assessment of eco-friendly practices for management of root knot nematodes in mulberry
Mulberry Evaluation of suitable intercrops in tree mulberry for additional income
Mustard Assessment of Mustard varieties as alternative oilseed crops
Mustard Assessment of new Mustard varieties for paddy fallows
Mustard Assessment of Mustard varieties as alternate crop in paddy fallows
Napier Assessment of new forage super napier for higher yield and forage quality
Napier (Hybrid) Assessment of Hybrid Napier varieties
Okra Assessment of High Yielding Hybrid
Onion Assessment of new high yielding onion varieties for late kharif season
Onion Assessment of new high yielding onion varieties for Rabi season
Onion Assessment of nutrients in onion
Onion Assessment of Varieties for Rabi Season
Onion Assessment of varieties for yield potentiality during rabi/summar season
Onion Assessment of sulphur application in onion
Onion Assessment of thrips management practices in Onion crop
Onion Management of Sulphur Deficiency in Onion crop
Onion Management of Twisting problem in Kumta Onion
Onion Varietal assessment in onion for yield and disease resistance
Onion (white) Assessment of White Onion varieties for higher productivity
Onion (Red) Assessment of Red Onion varieties for higher productivity
Paddy Assessment of high yielding short duration paddy varieties for the second crop season
Paddy Assessment of crops for paddy cropping system
Paddy Assessment of eco friendly management methods of rice bug
Paddy Assessment of Granular Dolomite
Paddy Assessment of Granular Dolomite in Managing Soil acidity in rice
Paddy Assessment of Paddy varieties for southern dry zone of Tumkur
Paddy Assessment of Paddy variety for Northern transitional Zone of Haveri
Paddy Assessment of Sabhagidhan paddy variety
Paddy Assessment of soil and foliar nutrition to improve grain yield and quality in rice
Paddy Assessment of suitability of self propelled paddy drum seeder for women farmers
Paddy Assessment of yield & economics of improved paddy varieties
Paddy Evaluation & performance of GNV 1089 in UKP area in comparison with BPT 5204 & RNR 15048
Paddy Evaluation of non conventional soil ameliorants over lime in managing soil acidity and productivity in paddy
Paddy Assessment of Red Rice Varieties
Paddy - Red Kernal Assessment of Red Rice Varieties
Paddy - Red Kernal Assessment of Red Kernel Rice Variety IRGA-318-6-9-11-2B
Paddy - Red Kernal Assessment of Red Rice Varieties
Paddy - Red Kernal Assessment of Red Kernel Rice Variety IRGA-318-6-9-11-2B
Pigeonpea Assessment of Helicoverpa& SMD Resistant Pigeonpea under irrigated condition
Pigeonpea Assessment of moisture conservation technique in pigeonpea
Plantation crops Assessment of different innovative technologies for deterring crop raiding wild elephants
Plantation crops Validation of farmer led innovations in plantation sector
Pole bean Assessment on Management of Yellow Mosaic Virus in Pole bean
Pole bean Assessment on management of yellow mosaic virus in pole bean through integrated approach
Pomegranate Wilt management in Pomegranate
Potato Assessment of nutrient management
Potato Assessment of planting methods in Potato
Poultry Assessing the performance of backyard poultry varieties
Poultry Assessment of the performance of Aseel and Khadaknath birds under backyard conditions
Poultry Assessment of broiler varieties under backyard poultry farming
Poultry Assessment of different lights on performance of layers
Poultry Assessment of different poultry varieties for backyard rearing in Kollam
Poultry Assessment of Production performance of different breeds of poultry under homesteads
Poultry Evaluation of Performance of Swarandara Poultry with other poultry birds
Poultry Assessment of performance of raking machine in broiler farms
Poultry Evaluation of performance of Kadaknath birds with other poultry birds
Ragi-Cotton Assessment of suitable alternate crop to ragi and cotton (RF)
Redgram Assessment of millets as intercrop in pigeon pea
Redgram Assessment of Redgram Varieties for Terminal Drought conditions
Ridge gourd Assessing performances of Ridge gourd hybrids
Ridge gourd Assessment of high yielding variety in Ridge gourd
Ridge gourd Assessment of bio-agents in ridge gourd nematode management
Ridge gourd Assessment on management of mosaic virus in ridge gourd through integrated approach
Ridge gourd Assessment on management of yellow mosaic in Ridge gourd
Safflower Assessment of Safflower varieties
Serculture Assessment of management of uzifly in silkworm rearing
Serculture Assessment of different compost cultures in composting of sericulture wastes
Sesamum Assessment of Sesamum and Mustard in Paddy residual moisture
Sesamum Assessment of sesamum varieties for higher yield
Sesamum Assessment of Short duration heat tolerant
Small Cardamom Assessment of different biological control agents for the management of thrips (Sciothripscardamomi ) in small cardamom
Sorghum Assessment of sorghum genotypes under rainfed conditions
Soybean Assessment of poison bait for millipede management in soybean
Spearmint Variety assessment in Spearmint
Sugarcane Assessment of compost culture for the management of Sugarcane trash
Sugarcane Assessment of bio pesticide for Root grub management in Sugar cane
Sugarcane Assessment of different compost culture in sugarcane trash decomposition (R/S)
Sugarcane Assessment of eco- friendly Root grub management practices in Sugarcane
Sugarcane Assessment of pulse performance as intercrop in sugarcane
Sweet Potato Evaluation promising varieties of Sweet potato
Teff and Quinoa Assessment of Teff and Quinoa crop for Paddy Fallow under Protective Irrigation in Kodagu
Tomato Assessing the performance high yielding tomato variety in Lakshadweep
Tuber Tapioca Assessment of nutrient use efficient (NUE) cassava genotypes for reducing chemical NPK fertilizers
Turmeric Assessment of short duration turmeric variety Pragathi in Onattukkara region
Turmeric Assessment on suitable Turmeric varieties for higher yield and quality
Turmeric Effectiveness of bio agents in rhizome rot management of turmeric
Turmeric Management of Rhizome rot in turmeric
Turmeric Suitable cropping systems in Turmeric for higher yield and returns
Vegetable Crop Assessment of manually operated single row vegetable transplanter for vegetable seedlings
Vegetable Crop Management of mealybug
Vegetable Crop Assessment of Vegetable seedling
Yard long bean Assessment of high yielding yard long bean varieties

Crop Title of the Demonstration
Amaranthus Demonstration on High yielding Amaranthus variety ‘ArkaSamraksha’
Amaranthus Management of Amaranthus leaf blight disease
Amaranthus New Variety
Aquaculture Bacillus cereus sensulato “Detrodigest” isolated from aquaculture fields of Kerala for improving water quality in Aquaculture
Aquaculture Demonstration of Asian Seabass (LatesCalcarifer) seed fattening as a pre-requisite for its growout farming in brackishwater
Aquaculture Dentrodigest for bioremediation of detritus in aquaculture - Culture of fishes using dentrodigest
Aquaculture FLD of gut probiotics combo (marine yeast and Bacillus cereus sensulato&Arthrobacternicotianae) isolated from Kerala to enhance growth rate in Tilapia
Areca husk Demonstration on composting methodology for areca husk
Arecanut French Bean (ArkaSukomal) as an intercrop in Arecanut garden
Arecanut Integrated Crop Management in Arecanut
Arecanut Integrated Pest & Disease Management in Arecanut
Arecanut Intercropping in Arecanut
Arecanut Management of Arecanut root grubs through IPM practices
Arecanut Management of nut splitting in Arecanut
Arecanut Rejuvenation of Arecanut palms by soil test based nutrient management
Arecanut Management of Root grub in areca nut
Ashwagandha & Ajawan crops Demonstration of climate resilient crops
Avocado Demonstration of value addition in under utilized fruit – Avocado
Backyard Poultry Low cost portable mini poultry brooder with package of practices for backyard poultry rearing
Bamboo Demonstration of Bamboo variety Bheema
Banana Banana Bunch Covering Device for Quality Banana Production
Banana Correction of soil acidity in Nendran Banana cultivation
Banana Demonstrating Quality enhancing technology in Banana
Banana Demonstration of Banana bunch quality and weight improvement
Banana Demonstration of Dwarf Karpooravally
Banana Demonstration of integrated nutrient and disease management in Banana
Banana Demonstration of KAU Banana Bunch covering device
Banana Demonstration on non conventional soil ameliorants over lime in managing soil acidity in banana varNendran
Banana Demonstration on application of secondary and micronutrient mix AYAR in banana
Banana Demonstration on secondary and micronutrient management in banana
Banana Enhancing productivity of banana by application of multinutrient mix ‘Sampoorna’
Banana Integrated Crop Management in Banana
Chickpea Integrated Nutrient Management in Banana
Banana Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Banana (Yelakki)
Banana Introduction of Tissue culture Banana- Yellakki in paddy fields
Banana Management of Pseudostem Weevil and Rhizome Weevil in Banana (Var. Nendran) by Using BiopesticideNanma
Banana Management of sigatoka leaf spot disease in Banana
Banana Micronutrient Management in Banana using Banana special
Banana Organic management of Sigatoka leaf spot of banana
Banana Precision farming techniques & bunch covering equipment for high quality bunches in banana
Banana Protein enriched supplementary food mixture from Nendran banana flour
Banana Sampoorna-Secondary and Micronutrient Mixture for Banana
Banana Soil test based nutrient management for tissue culture banana
Banana Wilt management in Banana
Banana Prophylactic management of rhizome weevil and pseudostem weevil in banana
Barnyard millet Demonstration of High Yielding Barnyard millet Variety DHBM 93-3
Bee keeping Scientific rearing techniques for sustainable apiculture in rubber plantations
Bengal gram Eco friendly pest management in Bengalgram
Bengal gram Integrated crop management in Chickpea
Bengal gram Protective clothing during harvesting
Bengal gram Demonstration of JAKI-9218 variety in Bengalgram crop
Bengal gram Integrated pest and disease management in Bengal gram
Bengal gram Management of dry root rot and wilt complex in Bengalgram
Bengal gram Eco friendly management of BengalgramPodborer
Betelvine Wilt management in Betelvine
Betelvine IPDM in Betelvine
Bhendi Demonstration of Bhendi hybrid Arka Nikita for high yield
Bhendi Integrated Crop Management in Bhendi
Bhendi Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Bhendi
Bhendi Management of yellow vein mosaic virus in Velvet Bhendi
Bhendi Dem onstration of fertigation in okra
Bitter gourd Bio-intensive Pest Disease Management in Bitter gourd
Bitter gourd Integrated Crop Management in Bitter gourd
Bitter gourd Integrated Pest Management in Bitter gourd
Black gram Biointensive Method of Greengram Cultivation
Black gram Demonstration of Blackgram new variety CRU-22
Black gram Demonstration of Blackgram variety VBN-8 in summer rice fallows
Black gram Demonstration on Black Gram variety Rashmi (LBG – 625)
Black gram Sulphur and Zinc management in Blackgram production
Black Pepper Demonstration of Pepper var. Arka Coorg Excel for consistent yield and better quality
Black Pepper Establishing hi-tech for bush pepper production
Black Pepper Integrated Crop Management in Black Pepper
Black Pepper Integrated Crop Management in Black Pepper
Black Pepper Integrated Nutrient Management in Black pepper
Black Pepper Wilt management in Black Pepper
Black Pepper Integrated use of IISR-Biomix BP and trochodermaBiocap for better rooting and to prevent soil borne diseases in bush pepper
Black Pepper Assessment of fodder grass and fodder cow pea intercropping in coconut based homesteads
Black Pepper Performance of perennial shrub fodder- Chaya (Cnidoscolusaconitifolius )
Brinjal Integrated Crop Management in Brinjal
Brinjal Integrated Crop Management in Brinjal (Var. Mattugulla)
Brinjal Integrated Nutrient management in Brinjal (MattuGulla ) for high yield
Brinjal Management of shoot and fruit borer in Brinjal
Brinjal Pest and Disease Management in Brinjal
Greengram Assessment of greengram variety KKM – 3 for higher yield
Bt. Cotton Demonstration on management of pink bollworm in Bt. Cotton
Bt. Cotton Pink boll worm and anthracnose disease incidence
Bt. Cotton Management of pink bollworm (Pectinophoragossypiellasaunders) in bt. cotton
Bt. Cotton + Greengram Demonstration of Cotton + Greengram intercropping system
Buffalo Management of Repeat Breeders in Buffalo.
Bullock Perennial fodder
Bush pepper Demonstration on innovative ways
Butter fruit Enhancement of Income in Coffee based cropping system by Butter fruit planting
Cabbage Cultivation of cabbage in rain shelter during June –August
Cabbage Assessment of anemia among adolescent Girls
Cabbage Integrated nutrient and pest management in cabbage
Cabbage Integrated nutrient management in cabbage
Jack fruit Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Cabbage
Capsicum Demonstration of Capsicum hybrid ArkaAthulya
Cardamom Demonstration of Cardamom var. IISR Avinash
Carrot Bio-intensive Pest Management of root knot nematode and soft rot in carrot
Cashew Demonstration of Hybrid cashew- 130
Cashewnut ICM in Cashewnut
Cassava Demonstration of a K use efficient variety of cassava viz. SreePavithra
Cassava Demonstration of Cassava variety SreePavithra
Cassava Demonstration on use of customized fertilizer in cassava based on soil test
Cassava Management of wild boar using Borep
Mulberry Assessment of eco-friendly practices for management of root knot nematodes in mulberry
Castor Demonstration of Castor variety DCH-177
Castor Improved Production Technologies in Castor
Cattle Probiotic supplement as feed additives
Cattle Therapeutic management of Pododermatitis in cattle
Cattle/ Buffalo/ sheep and goat Demonstration Of “Nano Heal Cream” For Wound Treatment in Ruminants
Cauliflower Integrated management of DBM in Cauliflower
Cauliflower Integrated Nutrient Management in Cauliflower
Cauliflower Integrated pest management in Cauliflower
Chickpea Assessment of solar operated nipping machine for Chickpea
Chickpea Integrated management of dry root rot disease in chickpea
Chickpea Integrated Pest Management in Chickpea
Chickpea Management of wilt & root rot in chickpea
Chickpea Nipping in chickpea
Chickpea Wilt complex and pod borer
Chickpea Demonstration of Chickpea Special
Chickpea Demonstration of heat tolerant chickpea variety JG-14
Chickpea JKAI-9218 seed treatment with bio fertilizers
Chilli Demonstration of Chilli Variety ArkaHarita
Chilli Demonstration of ICM in Chilli hybrid ArkaKyathi
Chilli Integrated Crop Management in Chilli
Chilli Assessment of crops for paddy cropping system
Chilli Integrated Crop Management in Chilli Var. ArkaKhyati
Chilli Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Chilli
Chilli Integrated Pest Management in Chilli (Murda complex &Spodoptera)
Chilli Intercropping of chilly hybrid - ArkaKyathi in onion field for doubling the farmers income
Chilli Management of chillimurda complex
Chilli Micronutrient management in Chilli
Paddy Wilt, powdery mildew, murda incidence causing more yield loss
China Aster Demonstration of China Aster variety ArkaArchana
Chrysanthemum Integrated pest and disease management in Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum Integrated Crop Management in Chrysanthemum
Cluster bean Integrated crop management on cluster bean PusaNavbahar
Coconut Community Management of Rhinoceros beetle in Coconut using Metarhizium
Coconut Demonstration on integrated approach for enhancing profitability of root wilt affected coconut palms (on going)
Coconut Drought Management in Coconut Plantations
Coconut Efficiency of foliar spray of neem oil to manage nesting whitefly in newly planted coconut
Coconut Enhancing the productivity of coconut through Integrated Nutrient Management and mitigating sub-surface acidity
Coconut IDM for root wilt in coconut
Coconut Integrated nutrient management in Coconut
Coconut Integrated Pest and disease Management in Coconut
Coconut Intercropping with Horse gram in Coconut garden
Coconut IPM for spiraling white fly in coconut
Coconut Management of Rugose spiralling whitefly in coconut
Coconut Popularization of Turmeric variety Pragathi in Coconut
Coconut CPS level management of rhinoceros beetle in coconut using Metarrhiziumanisopliae
Coconut In-situ moisture conservation measures in coconut garden
Poultry Management protocol for enhancing income from coconut
Coconut Promotion of coconut based vinegar as a natural food additive .
Coffee Management of Coffee Berry Borer using Broca trap
Composite Fish Culture Demonstration of Composite Fish Culture
Coorg Mandarin Integrated Crop Management in Coorg Mandarin
Coriander Demonstration of dual purpose coriander variety Co(CR)4 in rain shelter
Cotton Demonstration of Soil test based nutrient management in Cotton
Cotton Integrated Crop Management in Bt. Cotton
Cotton Integrated Crop Management in Cotton
Cotton IPM in Cotton- Bt (RF)
Redgram Leaf reddening management in Bt Cotton
Cotton Management of Pink Bollworm in Bt Cotton
Cotton Demonstration of Cotton variety BGDS-1063
Cotton Integrated Management of Pink boll worm in Cotton
Cotton Management of leaf reddening and pink bollworm Cotton
Cotton + Pea Cotton intercropping with green peas for higher productivity
Cow Demonstration of “Impregnated Nanofibers” for Induction of Oestrus in repeat Breeding Cows/ Buffaloes
Cow Demonstration of clean milk production procedures for prevention of mastitis in cows
Cow Scientific udder management for mastitis control
Cowpea Bio-intensive Pest and Disease Management in cowpea
Cowpea Demonstration of ArkaMangala Variety of YLB under ICM
Cowpea Demonstration of biocontrol agents for the management of sucking pests in Cowpea
Cowpea Demonstration on integrated disease management in cowpea
Cowpea Demonstration on integrated pest and disease management in cowpea
Cowpea Enhancing productivity and Nitrogen use efficiency in cowpea
Cowpea Integrated Pest Management in Cowpea
Cowpea Introduction of Cowpea UAHS-28 in Paddy fallows
Cowpea Demonstration on high yielding cowpea variety KAU Mithra
Cross bred Cows Demonstration of fodder crops and azolla production
Cross bred Cows Demonstration of Silage production
Cross bred Cows Feeding of area specific mineral mixture to enhance milk yield
Cross bred Cows Feeding of unpalatable oilseeds cake to increase fat % alters digestion and decreases milk yield
Cross bred Cows Introduction of Hydroponic Fodder Production
Cross breed Cattle Prevention & control of Milk fever in Cross Breed Cattle
Cross breed Cattle Prevention & control of sub-clinical ketosis in cattle
Cucumber Integrated Management of Downey mildew in Cucumber
Cucurbits Demonstration of Plant volatile based attractant to manage fruit flies in Cucurbits
Culinary melon(Cucumismelovar. acidulus) Demonstration of culinary melon (Cucumismelovar. acidulus) cv. ‘Vellayani Vishal’ in Wayanad
Dairy Demonstration of “Aswas” (Automated Thermal Stress Alleviator for Livestock)
Dairy Demonstration of silage technology for dairy farmers
Dairy Demonstration on Total Mixed Ration (TMR) feeding for enhanced productivity in early lactating cows
Dairy Good Feeding and Management Strategies (GOFAMS)
Dairy Good Management Practices (GMP) in dairy units for enhancing production and income
Dairy Integrated Dairy Management
Dairy Management of Ectoparasites in Dairy cows
Dairy Post-partum management of crossbred dairy cattle
Dairy TANUVAS- Masti-Guard for prevention of common mastitis
Dairy Topical application of Ceylon oak(Schleicheraoleosa)
Dairy Non availability of leguminous forgages lead to poor
Dairy Popularization of “Nano heal cream” for wound treatment of large and small ruminants
Dairy cattle Demonstration on estrus synchronization in cattle
Dairy cattle Demonstration on Ethno Veterinary Medicine (EVM) for bloat in dairy cattle
Dairy cattle Masti-Guard Germicidal teat Product spray for preventing common Mastitis bacteria from entering teat canal and extended anti microbial protection.
Dairy cattle Supplementation through UMMB licks as sources of energy and non-protein nitrogen in dairy cattle
Dicoccum wheat Demonstration of Dicoccum variety DDK-1029
Dairy cattle Supplementation through UMMB licks as sources of energy and non-protein nitrogen in dairy cattle
Dolichos Nutrient management in Avare (HA-5)
Double cropping -(cowpea ragi) Demonstration of Double Cropping System in Rainfed Condition for Higher Returns
Drumstic Demonstration on Drumstick variety KDM-1 (Bhagya)
Duram wheat New variety UAS-304/334(resistant to rust and good quality chapatti)
Edible fishes High density fish farming using biofilters
Field bean ICM in Dolichos
Field bean Weed management in field bean
Fig Low yield due to rust disease, micro nutrients deficiency and mite infestation
Fig Management of nutrient and rust of fig
Finger millet Addressing Drought and Blast Vulnerability through Finger millet var. ML 365 under double cropping system
Finger millet Demo of Finger millet thresher-cum-pearler on custom hiring mode
Finger millet Demonstration of Finger millet variety KMR - 630
Finger millet Demonstration of Finger millet Variety KMR 340 for Value Addition
Finger millet Enhancement of Productivity of Finger millet by drought tolerant variety ML 365
Finger millet Integrated crop management practices in Finger millet
Finger millet Introduction of short duration finger millet variety KMR-204
Finger millet Introduction of short duration finger millet variety KMR-630
Fish Aquaponics
Fish Backyard ornamental fish culture of guppy varieties
Fish Cage culture
Fish Composite fish cultivation
Fish Fish Seed Production
Fish Fresh water cage fish farming
Fish Promoting Horabagrusbrachysoma (sun catfish or yellow catfish) culture
Fish Promotion of composite fish farming in Farm ponds
Fish culture Demonstration of fish culture in farm ponds
Fish waste Demonstration of organic manure production from fish waste
Fish waste Demonstration of Fish Silage production from Tuna waste
Fisheries Composite fish culture of carps with PangassiusSutchi
Fisheries New variety UAS-304/334(resistant to rust and good quality chapatti)
Fisheries Integrated Management of fish culture in ponds
Fisheries Integrated Poultry with fish farming
Fisheries Integrating fish and duck system for the utilization of homestead pond and enhancing farm income
Fisheries Introduction of aeration system for fish farming in storage tanks
Fisheries Monoculture of Amur Common carp in farm pond
Fisheries Popularization of stunted fish farming in Farm Ponds
Fisheries Quality fish seed production through nursery rearing
Fisheries Demonstration of Tilapia fish in composite fish culture
Flower Demonstration of Marigold as Intercrop in Coconut Orchard
Fodder Demonstration of Fodder Cafeteria
Fodder Demonstration of hybrid napier var. Co-5
Fodder Demonstration of Marvel Grass -Perennial Fodder Dicanthiumannulatum
Fodder Demonstration of Moringaoleiferaas intercrop in coconut gardens as fodder supplement in dairy cattle
Fodder Demonstration of Multicut Fodder COFS-31 & Silage Technology
Fodder Demonstration On Fodder crops
Fodder Demonstration on preservation of green fodder in the form of silage using silo bags
Fodder Demonstration on usage of silage bags for stall fed sheep / goat units
Duram Establishing Fodder Cafeteria for stall fed goat farms
Fodder Establishing fodder Cafeteria in Stall fed sheep and goat rearing
Fodder Fodder var. COFS 31 for higher yield
Fodder Introduction of high yielding fodder grass variety-Sampoorna
Fodder Introduction of shade tolerant guinea grass in coconut garden
Fodder Popularisation of high yielding DHN 6 fodder crop
Fodder Popularization and Seed Production Potential of Multicut Fodder Sorghum Varieties- CoFS-29 & CoFS-31
Fodder Popularization of fodder tree plantation for forages
Fodder Popularization of multi-cut perennial fodder sorghum variety COFS – 29 under rainfed condition
Fodder Shade tolerant guinea grass ‘CO (GG) 3’ in densely planted coconut homesteads
Fodder Cultivation of hybrid Napier, fodder sorghum (COFS-31) & hedge lucern
Fodder Demonstration of Multi-Cut Sorghum variety
Fodder Demonstration on usage of silage bags
Fodder Perennial supply of green fodder model
Fodder Demonstration of high yielding multicut Sorghum variety
Fodder Demonstration of low-cost hydroponic fodder
Fodder Demonstration of Multi Cut Fodder Sorghum COFS- 31
Fox tail Millet Demonstration of Foxtail millet HYV and value addition
Fox tail Millet Demonstration of Intercropping system of Redgram + foxtail millet (1:2) for higher yield and income
Fox tail Millet Demonstration of Foxtail millet new variety HN-46
Fox tail Millet Demonstration of Foxtail millet Variety DHFt 109-3 for Value Addition
Fox tail Millet Low yield due to use of local variety
Fox tail Millet Demonstration of Foxtail millet variety HMT-100-1
Fox tail Millet Foxtail millet variety DHFt-109-3, processing and value addition for health mix
Fox tail Millet Introduction of new Foxtail Millet Variety HN-47
French Bean Demonstration of in French Bean variety ArkaArjun
French Bean Demonstration of Organic farming practices in French bean
French Bean Intercropping of French Bean in coconut garden
French Bean Introduction of French Bean Var. ‘Arka Arjun’
French Bean High yielding, rust resistant pole type French bean variety ArkaSukomal
Fruits Demonstration of agri-horticulture system
Gaillardia Demonstration of Gaillardia variety DGS-1
Gaillardia Integrated disease and pest management in Gaillardia
Garlic Integrated nutrient management in Garlic
Ginger Comprehensive management of ginger
Ginger Demonstration of IISR micronutrient mixture application in ginger for supplementing micronutrients
Ginger Demonstration on the use of PGPR bio capsules and micro nutrient mixture for enhancing income from ginger cultivation
Ginger Eco friendly management of soft rot in ginger
Ginger ICM in Ginger
Ginger Introduction of a HYV of ginger
Ginger IPDM on ginger variety IISR Mahima (In collaboration with CRS, Madakkathara
Ginger Micronutrient Management in Ginger
Ginger Rhizome rot disease management in Ginger
Ginger Demonstration of seedlings raised in protrays for commercial ginger cultivation
Ginger Demonstration on ginger variety Varada using protray seedlings
GLV Demonstration of Locally available edible green leafy vegetables
Goat Complete feed in growing kids under stall fed conditions
Goat Demonstration of balanced nutrition and deworming.
Goat Demonstration of No-wastage Hexagonal Goat feeder
Goat Estrous synchronization and AI in Goats
Goat Estrus synchronization in goat
Goat Tree fodder
Goat Demonstration of progesterone impregnated sponge in success of Broiler goat farming
Goat Demonstration on Indigenous Breeds of Goats at kvk
Grain cowpea Introduction of grain cowpea in rice fallows
Grain storage Demonstration of Super grain bags
Grape Demonstration of Arka Grape Special
Grape Micronutrient management in Grape
Grape Stem borer Management in Grape
Grape Management of Powdery Mildew & downy mildew in grapes
Green gram Demonstration of Green gram variety KKM-3
Green gram Demonstration of DGGV-2 variety in Greengram crop
Green gram Introduction of Pigeon Pea as inter crop in Greengram (1+2)
Green gram Popularization of KKM-3Greengram variety
Green gram Biointensive Method of Greengram Cultivation
Groundnut Management of collar rot disease in Groundnut
Groundnut Demonstration of Dh-256 Groundnut Variety
Groundnut Demonstration of heat tolerant variety JG-14 for late sowing condition under irrigated situation
Groundnut Integrated Crop Management in Groundnut
Groundnut Introduction of Groundnut Var. KCG-6
Groundnut Introduction of new variety KCG-6 in groundnut for varietal replacement
Groundnut Management of Stem rot and leaf minor in Groundnut
Groundnut Management of Stem rot in groundnut
Groundnut Popularization of groundnut harvester
Groundnut Root grub management in groundnut
Groundnut Severe incidence of stem rot and bud necrosis virus disease and leaf webber, lack of awareness on use of bio agents
Groundnut Sulphur Management in G2-52 variety of Groundnut
Groundnut Demonstration of Ground nut variety GKVK-5
Guava Integrated nutrient management in guava
Guava Integrated pest management in guava
Horse gram Introduction of CRIDA-18 Horse gram for yield enhancement
Horse gram Demonstrating the wick irrigation system for terrace cultivation
Horse gram Demonstration of nutrigarden in homesteads
Hybrid Napier Demonstration of Fodder -Hybrid Napier
Inland fisheries Composite inland fish farming in farm pond
Intercropping (Redgram+cowpea) Intercropping of Cowpea in Redgram for Enhanced Income
Jack fruit Demonstration of jack fruit flour as functional food in baked products
Jack fruit Demonstration of Jack fruit flour as functional food in baked products
Jamun Integrated crop management
Jasmine ICM in Udupi Jasmine
Kasturi turmeric Participatory seed production of Kasturi turmeric
Kharif Onion Demonstration of Onion variety “Bhima Super” during Kharif
Kiwi Demonstration of High Yielding Kodo millet Variety RK-390-25 and value addition
Lemon Grass Demonstration of Aromatic crop- Lemon grass – Krishna
Lesser Yam Demonstration of a HYV variety of Lesser Yam viz. Sree Latha
Lime Bahar and micronutrient management in lime and demonstration of lime harvester
Lime Citrus leaf canker management
Lime Demonstration of lime harvesters
Lime ICM in Citrus
Lime Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Lime
Lime Wilt complex Management in Lime
Linseed Linseed inter cropping with Chickpea
Linseed Demonstration of Linseed NL-115 variety
Linseed Popularization of linseed value added products and its health benefits.
Little Millet Crop rotation with little millet as a climate-smart crop
Little Millet Demonstration of Intercropping with Redgram + Little millet (1:2) for higher yield and income
Little Millet Demonstration of High Yielding Little millet Variety DHLM 36-3
Little Millet Introduction of Little Millet variety DHLM-36-3
Guava Integrated pest management in guava
Guava Integrated pest management in guava
Livestock Controlling parasitic infestations and feeding small ruminants based on Indian standards for better performance
Livestock Demonstration of Indigenous Progesterone sponge in Synchronization of estrous in Sheep & Goat
Livestock Demonstration of modified PG protocol in repeat breeding cows
Livestock Demonstration of CIDR synch protocol in anoestrus cows/buffaloes
Livestock Demonstration of high yielding Lucerne-CO, COFS-31 & Moringa
Livestock Demonstration on improved Guinea and stylo grass in bettaland and on bunds
Livestock Estrous synchronization in Crossbred cows
Livestock Feeding colostrum and milk to female calves during early stage
Livestock Feeding dairy animals based on Indian standards for better performance
Livestock Integrated disease management in Sheep
Livestock Management of anoestrus in Cattle & Buffalo
Livestock Pre & Post partum feeding & nutritional mgt. in dairy cows
Livestock Proposed-Popularization of “Nano heal cream” for wound treatment of large and small ruminants
Livestock Supplementation of By pass fat for higher milk yield & fat in diary animals
Lucernce Demonstration of high yielding multi cut lucern
Maize Armyworm incidence
Maize Demonstration of FAW and Macronutrient management in Maize
Maize Demonstration of Maize Hybrid MAH -14-5
Maize ICM in Maize (RF)
Maize ICM in Maize with Special Emphasis on Weed and Nutrient Management
Maize Integrated Crop Management in Hybrid Maize
Maize Integrated crop management in Maize
Maize Integrated nutrient and pest management in Maize
Maize Integrated nutrient management in maize
Maize Demonstration of high yielding multi cut lucern
Maize Integrated pest and disease management in Maize
Maize Management of fall army worm, Spodoptura frugiperda in maize
Maize Nutrient management in maize to increase the yield
Maize Soil test based nutrient management in Maize
Maize Integrated Pest management in Maize
Maize+ Redgram Demonstration of Maize+ Redgram intercropping system
Management of Kitchen Waste Eco friendly Management of Kitchen Waste and Home Gardening
Mango Good Horticulture practices in post harvest Handling of Mango
Mango Integrated Crop Management in Mango
Mango Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Mango
Mango IPM in mango
Mango Integrated Crop Management in Mango (Var. Alphanso)
Marigold Demonstration of marigold as intercrop in chilli
Marigold ICM in Marigold
Marigold Integrated pest management in Marigold
Marigold Demonstration of marigold variety Pusa Narangi in Kottayam district
Mechanisation Demonstration of Drum seeder and power weeder in rice cultivation
Mechanisation Demonstration of zero till drill for pulses
Melons Foliar application of Boron in melons
Milch cow Osynch for Repeat Breeder cows
Millet cafeteria Demonstration of millet cafeteria
Millets Demonstration of improved millet cultivars for yield enhancement
Millets Demonstration of Millets Value addition
Mucuna Mucuna for the enrichment of flood affected area in Kodagu
Mulberry Demonstration of Improved G-4 Mulberry Variety
Mulberry Demonstration of Improved G-4 Mulberry Variety
Mulberry Demonstration of NEMAHARI (Nematicide) in mulberry
Mulberry Demonstration of organic practices in Mulberry crop
Mulberry Demonstration on subsurface irrigation system for mulberry
Mulberry Eco-friendly management practices for improving mulberry leaf productivity
Mulberry Eco-friendly Nutrient Management in Mulberry
Mulberry INM in mulberry for higher productivity
Mulberry Integrated Management of thrips in mulberry
Mulberry Integrated Nutrient Management in Mulberry
Mushroom Demonstration of different oyster mushroom varieties in Kozhikode district
Mushroom Demonstration of oyster mushroom production using banana pseudostem waste and value addition
Muskmelon Eco-Friendly management of sucking pest in Muskmelon
Nutmeg Integrated management of leaf fall and fruit rot in nutmeg
Nutri garden Demonstration of nutrition garden along with mushroom as a component through environmental clubs in schools
Mushroom Demonstration of oyster mushroom production using banana pseudostem waste and value addition
Mushroom Demonstration of oyster mushroom production using banana pseudostem waste and value addition
Nutmeg Integrated management of leaf fall and fruit rot in nutmeg
Nutri garden Demonstration of nutrition garden along with mushroom as a component through environmental clubs in schools
Nutri-farms Nutri- farms for year round nutritional security
Nutrition Demonstration of Nutri farms for year round nutrition security among farm families
Nutrition Kitchen Waste Composting
Nutrition Demonstration of Arka Vertical Garden
Nutrition security Demonstration of nutri-farms for year round nutrition security among farm families
Nutritional Garden Implementation of homestead garden, easy availability of nutritional plants
Onion Bhima Super onion variety for higher returns
Onion Demonstration on Raised Bed Method of Cultivation
Onion Demonstration of Onion variety Bhima Super
Onion Demonstration of Bhima Super Onion variety for higher yield
Onion Demonstration of high yielding onion variety Bhima Dark Red
Onion Demonstration of hybrid onion ArkaLalima /Arkakeertiman
Onion Demonstration of New onion variety Bhima Dark red
Onion Demonstration of weed management in onion
Onion Integrated crop management for small onion production
Onion Introduction of high yielding onion variety Bhima Dark Red
Onion Low yield of present cultivable varieties and purple blotch disease
Onion Micronutrient management in Onion
Onion Micronutrient Management in Tomato using vegetable special
Onion Introduction of high yielding onion variety Bhima Dark Red
Ornamental fishes Backyard ornamental fish culture of guppy varieties
Others (Nutrition) Demonstration of Nutrigarden in homestead s (Adopted as approved to KVK, Kollam)
Paddy Advanced production technologies for profitable Paddy cultivation
Paddy Biointensive pest management in Paddy Var.Uma
Paddy Blast, Sheath blight and Bacterial blight incidence in transplanted rice ecosystem
Paddy BPH, leaf folder, blast and blight diseases causing major yield loss in paddy
Paddy Demonstration ‘Sampoorna KAU multi-mix’ in Rice for enhancing productivity
Paddy Demonstration of 4 row walking type transplanter in Kollam district
Paddy Demonstration on Direct Seeded Rice
Paddy Demonstration of KAU Power operated pre-germinated paddy wet seeder
Paddy Demonstration of Power Paddy Weeder in Kollam district
Paddy Demonstration of Paddy variety KPR-1
Paddy Demonstration of mechanization and eco friendly technologies for enhancing income in paddy cultivation
Paddy Demonstration of New Paddy Variety GNV 10-89
Paddy Demonstration of Direct seeded rice method
Paddy Demonstration of foliar application of Sampoorna KAU multimix in rice
Paddy Demonstration of IPDM in Paddy
Paddy Demonstration of management protocol for enhancing income from paddy in other than kole lands
Paddy Demonstration of Paddy new variety GNV-10-89
Paddy Demonstration of Paddy Variety GangavathiSona
Paddy Demonstration of paddy variety KRH-4 for higher returns
Paddy Demonstration of Paddy variety MGD-03
Paddy Demonstration of paddy variety Shreyas
Paddy Demonstration of rice cultivation using bioinputs
Paddy Demonstration of rice variety Pournami
Paddy Demonstration of salt tolerant variety GGV-05-01 in Paddy
Paddy Demonstration of wick applicator for Management of wild rice
Paddy Demonstration on Akshaya variety of rice
Paddy Demonstration on the effect of Fine Silica in iron Toxic soils of paddy.
Paddy Direct Sown Rice (DSR) method using drum seeder
Paddy Ecofriendly management of BLB in rice
Paddy Eco-Friendly pest management in Paddy
Paddy Farmer Participatory seed production for high yielding varieties of rice ( Sreyas and manurathna)
Paddy ICM in Direct Seeded Rice
Paddy IDM for bacterial leaf blight in paddy
Paddy INM in Paddy
Paddy Integrated management of weedy rice in Kole lands of Thrissur District
Paddy Introduction of high yielding rice variety-Manu Ratna
Paddy Introduction of high yielding rice variety-Pournami (MO-23)
Paddy Integrated crop management in drill sown paddy
Paddy Integrated crop management in Paddy
Paddy Integrated Pest and disease Management in Paddy
Paddy Labour / water scarcity, high input usage, high cost of production
Paddy Major Pest and disease management in Paddy
Paddy Non conventional soil and water conservation measures using GI sheet to ensure water availability for second crop paddy
Paddy Management of diseases in rice (Blast and sheath blight, BLB)
Paddy Nutrient Management in Paddy
Paddy Nutrient management for improving rice productivity
Paddy Nutrient Management in paddy for yield enhancement under salt affected soils
Paddy Reaper cum Binder for paddy harvesting
Paddy Soil test based management of Boron deficiency in rice of Kole areas
Paddy Standardization of secondary and micro nutrients in rice
Paddy Water Management (AWD) in Paddy
Paddy Introduction of Cowpea variety UAHS-28 in paddy fallows of coastal region under residual moisture
Paddy Introduction of DSR method of Paddy cultivation in coastal region
Paddy Introduction of Minor millet Ragi in Paddy fallows of coastal region under residual moisture situation
Paddy Demonstration of drum seeded rice in paddy
Paddy Demonstration of paddy variety – KKP-5
Paddy Integrated Nutrient Management in RICE
Paddy Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Paddy
Paddy Arobic Demonstration of water saving Aerobic Paddy Paustic-9
Palmarosa Demonstration of Aromatic crop- Palmarosa- PRC 1
Papaya ICM in Papaya
Papaya Introduction of Jamun in Dryland
Pepino Cultivation of Pepino (Sweet Cucumber, Melon Pear) as an exotic salad vegetable
Pepper Demonstration of black pepper variety Panniyur- 9- resistant/ tolerant to drought.
Pepper Demonstration of IISR micronutrient mixture in black pepper
Pepper Foot rot disease management in Black pepper
Pepper Foot rot disease management in Black pepper
Pepper IISR Micronutrient
Pepper Root rot management in Pepper
Pepper Wilt management in black pepper
Pig Integrated reproductive management in breeding pigs
Pigeon pea Demonstration of Solar powered equipments for Pigeonpea
Pigeon pea Demonstration of TS-3R & GRG-811 in Pigeon pea
Pigeon pea Dibbling of Pigeonpea by Ridges & Furrows method
Pigeon pea Integrated Pest Management in Pigeonpea
Pigeon pea Nipping in pigeonpea
Pigeon pea Weed management in Pigeonpea
Pigeon pea Demonstration of new Pigeonpea variety GRG 152
Pigeon pea Solar operated machine for Pigeonpea
Piggery Swine fever outbreak in Yorkshire piggery
Piggery Demonstration of mineral mixture supplement for pigs
Plantation High density planting with improved varieties of cashew
Plantation IPM in Cashew
Plantation IPM in coconut
Pole bean Demo of Pole beans Var. Arka Sukomal
Pomegranate Demonstration of IDM Model for management of wilt in pomegranate
Pomegranate Demonstration on wilt Management in Pomegranate
Pomegranate IPDM in pomegranate
Pomegranate Wilt Management in Pomegranate
Pomegranate Demonstration of AMC liquid and ArkaActino Plus on growth, quality and yield of Pomegranate
Potato Integrated crop management in Potato
Potato Integrated Crop Management in Potato
Potato Integrated Pest and Disease management in Potato
Poultry Demonstration and popularization of kadakanath as backyard poultry birds
Poultry Demonstration of Nipple Drinker System for Broiler Chicken
Poultry Demonstration of pinless peepers to reduce injurious pecking in layers
Poultry Demonstration on BV 380 breeds in intensive system of rearing
Poultry Introduction of improved backyard poultry breed “Swarnadhara”
Poultry Improved Backyard poultry “Gramapriya” for doubling of income
Poultry Popularization of Kadaknath Birds under Backyard rearing system
Poultry-Quail Demonstration of Nandanam quail III for meat production in Ernakulam district
Production of value added coconut VCO residue based Muffins Promotion of VCO residue based protein rich muffins
Pulse Value addition to pulses
Pulse Nutritional garden for correctional and welfare institutions
Quail farming Demonstration of Quail farming as homely income
Quail farming Low yield of existing varieties
Rabi Onion Demonstration of Onion variety Bhima Shakti for Rabi season
Rabi Sorghum Demonstration of Rabi sorghum variety SPV-2217
Rabi Sorghum Demonstration of SPV-2217 variety
Rabi Sorghum High yielding sorghum veriety BJV-44, seed treatment with Biofertilisers
Rabi Sorghum Demonstration of soil moisture conservation practices in Rabi sorghum
Rabi Sorghum Production potential of Karmala sorghum for grain
Radish Demonstration of high yielding radish variety Arka Nishant
Ragi Demonstration of high yielding Ragi Variety KMR-630
Ragi Demonstration of millet ragi in Thrissur District
Ragi Demonstration of Ragi Var. KMR 340 & Value Addition
Ragi Demonstration of short duration ragi variety
Ragi Introduction of Ragi variety, GPU-66 /KMR-204 for drought mitigation and delayed sowings
Ragi Seed production in Ragi Var. KMR-630
Rice-Cowpea Demonstration on Rice – Cowpea cropping system
Red gram Demonstration of Red gram variety BRG-5
Red gram Intercropping of pulses (Redgram BRG-5) in Maize
Red gram Demonstration of Red gram BRG-5
Red gram Demonstration of Redgram variety BRG-5
Red gram Demonstration of SMD & Wilt resistant Redgram variety GRG-811
Red gram Phosphorous use efficacy management in Redgram
Rice-fish Demonstration of Rice – Fish cultivation is a same piece of land
Ridge gourd Integrated Crop Management in Ridge Gourd
Ridge gourd Demonstration of Ridgegourd Var. Arka Prasan in paddy fallows
Rose Integrated Crop Management in Rose
Sesame Demonstration of Saame variety OLM - 203 & Value addition
Save grain bags Save grain bags for storage of food grains and seeds
Secondary – micronutrient management, Yield improvement. Demonstration of Micro nutrient
Sericulture Demonstration of Poshan in Mulberry
Sericulture Demonstration on Phytoecdysteroid for Synchronized Maturation of Silkworm
Sericulture Effective disinfection for quality cocoons
Sericulture Popularization of improved silkworm hybrid
Sesamum Demonstration of Sesamum improved Var. GT-01
Sesamum Management of Sesamum Phyllody
Sheep Integrated Health Management in Sheep
Sheep Integrated Health Management in Sheep
Sheep Management of stall fed sheep farming for weight gain
Sheep Perennial Fodder
Sericulture Use of special feed pellets for calcium supplementation in lactating Goats
Sericulture Worm load and poor growth in nomadic sheep
Sheep and goat Energy and non-protein nitrogen source supplementation through UMMB in small ruminants
Sheep and goat Demonstration of species specific mineral mixture for
Sheep and goat Establishing fodder crops in Stall fed sheep and goat rearing
Silage feed Preparation of Silage in drums
Silkworm rearing Effective disinfection of silkworm rearing houses to reduce defective cocoons
Silkworm rearing Improved silkworm rearing practices for cocoon yield maximization
Small Onion Demonstration of small onion variety CO – 05
Small ruminants Popularization
Sericulture Integrated health management in small ruminants
Small scale enterprise on Production of coconut milk based vegan products Demonstration of coconut milk based peda and vegan paneer.
Snake gourd ICM for enhancing productivity and income from snake gourd cultivation
Snake gourd IPDM in Snakegourd
Sorghum Demonstration of multicut fodder sorghum: COFS-29
Sorghum Integrated crop management in rabi sorghum
Sorghum Integrated crop management in sorghum
Sorghum Management of fall army worm in Rabi Sorghum
Sorghum Varietal demonstration in sorghum
Sorghum Management of fall armyworm in Jowar/Maize
Sorghum Popularization of Phule madhur sweet sorghum variety for hurda (Shitni) preparation.
Sorghum -Fodder Demonstration of Fodder sorghum CoFS 29
Soybean Bio intensification in soybean cropping system
Soybean Demonstration of Soybean variety DSB – 23
Soybean Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Soybean
Soybean Introduction of new Rust resistant Variety Dsb-21
Soybean PHT: Spiral separator for cleaning and grading of grains
Soybean Soil test based nutrient management in Soybean
Spices Demonstration of Garcinia cambogia paste
Spices Demonstration of vertical Kitchen garden for spicy leaves
Spine gourd Introduction of Spine gourd Arka Neelachal Shanti – For crop diversification
Sugarcane Demonstration of Insitu Green manuring in sugarcane
Sugarcane Demonstration of in-situ de-composting with waste decomposer
Sericulture Demonstration of Mechanical harvesting of Sugarcane
Sugarcane Demonstration of micronutrient application in early crop growth stages of Sugarcane
Sugarcane ICM in Sugarcane (SSI method in Sugarcane)
Sugarcane Integrated nutrient management in Sugarcane
Sugarcane Introduction of cotton-cowpea as an alternate cropping system for sugar cane
Sugarcane IPDM in Sugarcane
Sugarcane Management of root grub in Sugarcane
Sugarcane Soil test based nutrient management in Sugarcane
Sugarcane Management of Sugarcane white fly , Aleurolobus barodensis mask (Homoptera: aleyrodidae)
Sugarcane SSI (Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative ) and IPM in Sugarcane
Sugarcane Striga and root grub management in Sugarcane
Sugarcane Sugarcane Trash decomposition through insitu Vermiculturing
Sugarcane Demo of SSI practices in sugarcane Var. VCF.517
Sugarcane Demonstration of in situ green manure in Sugarcane
Sugarcane Management of zinc and iron deficiency in Sugarcane crop
Sugarcane Use of Post Emergent Herbicide in Sugarcane
Sunflower Bee Keeping for Yield enhancement in Sunflower
Sunflower Demonstration of Sunflower hybrid KBSH-78
Sunflower Integrated Crop Management in Sunflower
Tamarind Introduction of Tamarind variety – GKVK-17
Tilapia Introduction of Tilapia under feed based aquaculture
Tomato Demonstration of Tomato hybrid ArkaAbhed
Tomato Demonstration of wilt resistant tomato variety ‘Manuprabha’ with ICM
Tomato Demonstration of Tomato Hyb. Arka Abhed
Tomato Integrated Crop Management in Tomato
Tomato Integrated Crop Management in Tomato (Arka Abedh)
Tomato Integrated Crop Management in Tomato Hybrid‘Arka Abhed’
Tomato Integrated insect pest and disease management in Tomato
Tomato Integrated Management of pinworm in Tomato
Tomato Integrated Nutrient Management in Tomato
Tomato Low yield due to higher incidence of pest and diseases
Tomato Management of sucking pests in Tomato
Tomato Micronutrient Management in Tomato using vegetable special
Tomato Nutrient and pest management in Tomato
Tomato Varietal demonstration in tomato crop yield and disease resistance
Tomato Demonstration of new Tomato Hybrid Arka Samrat
Tomato Demonstration on grafted tomato seedlings in Kottayam district
Tomato Foliar application of vegetable special in Tomato
Tomato Wilt resistant tomato variety ‘Manuprabha’ with ICM
Tuber crops Demonstration of Amorphophallus in tuber growing tracts of Kannur
Tuber crops Management of Wild Boar
Tuberose Demonstration of Tuberose variety ArkaNirantar
Tuberose Demonstration of tuberose variety Prajwal in Wayanad
Turmeric Demonstration of early and high yielding variety in Turmeric
Turmeric Demonstration of short duration Turmeric variety Pragathy
Turmeric Demonstration of Turmeric variety Prathiba for higher returns
Turmeric Eco friendly management of shoot borer in turmeric
Turmeric ICM practices in short duration turmeric variety IISR Pragati
Turmeric INM on turmeric variety IISR Pragati (In collaboration with CRS, Madakkathara)
Turmeric Introduction of a HYV of turmeric viz.IISR Pragathi
Turmeric Participatory seed production programme of a HYV of turmeric viz. IISR Pragati
Turmeric Soil test based Nutrient Management in Turmeric
Turmeric Demonstration of turmeric variety Pragati in Kottayam district
Value addition Maximization of income from cucurbitaceous vegetables through value addition
Value addition Modified brining technology for shelf life enhancement of raw Jackfruit
Vegetable crops Crop health management through application of essential plant nutrients at various crop stages in cucurbits( bittergourd, snakegourd, ridgegourd)
Vegetable crops Evaluation of small sized Ashgourd variety over traditional big varieties in summer fallows
Vegetable crops Crop health management through application of essential plant nutrients at various crop stage in cowpea
Vegetable crops Demonstration of vegetable crop cafeteria
Vegetable crops Demonstration of Nutri- farms for year round nutrition security among farm families
Vegetable crops Demonstration of wick irrigation units in urban vegetable gardens
Vegetable crops Demonstration on rain house cultivation of leafy vegetables
Vegetable crops Foliar application of Trichoderma viride for integrated management of Cercospora leaf spot of Bhindi
Vegetable crops Automatic Drip Irrigation system in Vegetable
Vegetables seeds production Demonstration on Vegetables Seed Production
Waste management Waste management using KAU bio bin in urban areas
Watermelon Pest and Disease management in Water melon
Watermelon ICM in Watermelon
Watermelon Integrated disease management in water melon
Watermelon Integrated Pest Management in Watermelon
Watermelon Management of bud necrosis and sucking pest in watermelon
Watermelon Demonstration on Quality & Quantity improvement
Watermelon Effect of Boron foliar spray in Watermelon for higher yield and quality
Watermelon Integrated Nutrient Management in Watermelon
Wealth from Tuna Waste conversion
Wheat Integrated crop management in wheat
Wheat Demonstration of new wheat variety UAS 334 (Irrigated)
Wheat Demonstration of new wheat variety UAS 375 (Rainfed)
Wheat Introduction of high yielding Diccocum wheat variety
Yard long bean Demonstration of high yielding yard long bean variety Arka Mangala in Kollam district
Ylang-ylang Popularization of-Ylang-ylang in Homegardens (Agrosilvopastoral sytem )

Main Area of training Sub Area of training Thematic Area of training
Crop Production Crop Production Weed Management
Crop Production Crop Production Weed Management
Crop Production Crop Production Resource Conservation Technologies
Crop Production Crop Production Cropping Systems
Crop Production Crop Production Crop Diversification
Crop Production Crop Production Integrated Farming
Crop Production Crop Production Micro Irrigation/Irrigation
Crop Production Crop Production Seed production
Crop Production Crop Production Nursery management
Crop Production Crop Production Integrated Crop Management
Crop Production Crop Production Soil and Water Conservation
Crop Production Crop Production Integrated Nutrient Management
Horticulture Vegetable Crops Production of low value and high volume crop
Horticulture Vegetable Crops Off-season vegetables
Horticulture Vegetable Crops Nursery raising
Horticulture Vegetable Crops Exotic vegetables
Horticulture Vegetable Crops Export potential vegetables
Horticulture Vegetable Crops Grading and standardization
Horticulture Vegetable Crops Protective cultivation
Horticulture Fruits Training and Pruning
Horticulture Fruits Layout and Management of Orchards
Horticulture Fruits Cultivation of Fruit
Horticulture Fruits Management of young plants/orchards
Horticulture Fruits Rejuvenation of old orchards
Horticulture Fruits Export potential fruits
Horticulture Fruits Micro irrigation systems of orchards
Horticulture Ornamental Plants Plant propagation techniques
Horticulture Ornamental Plants Nursery Management
Horticulture Ornamental Plants Plant
Horticulture Ornamental Plants Management of potted plants
Horticulture Ornamental Plants Export potential of ornamental plants
Horticulture Ornamental Plants Propagation techniques of Ornamental Plants
Horticulture Plantation crops Production and Management technology
Horticulture Plantation crops Processing and value addition
Horticulture Tuber crops Production and Management technology
Horticulture Tuber crops Processing and value addition
Horticulture Spices Production and Management technology
Horticulture Spices Processing and value addition
Horticulture Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Production and management technology
Horticulture Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Nursery management
Horticulture Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Post harvest technology and value addition
Soil Health and Fertility Management Soil Health and Fertility Management Soil fertility management
Soil Health and Fertility Management Soil Health and Fertility Management Integrated water management
Soil Health and Fertility Management Soil Health and Fertility Management Integrated nutrient management
Soil Health and Fertility Management Soil Health and Fertility Management Production and use of organic inputs
Soil Health and Fertility Management Soil Health and Fertility Management Management of Problematic soils
Soil Health and Fertility Management Soil Health and Fertility Management Micro nutrient deficiency in crops
Soil Health and Fertility Management Soil Health and Fertility Management Nutrient use efficiency
Soil Health and Fertility Management Soil Health and Fertility Management Balanced use of fertilizers
Soil Health and Fertility Management Soil Health and Fertility Management Soil and water testing
Livestock Production and Management Livestock Production and Management Dairy Management
Livestock Production and Management Livestock Production and Management Poultry Management
Livestock Production and Management Livestock Production and Management Piggery Management
Livestock Production and Management Livestock Production and Management Rabbit Management
Livestock Production and Management Livestock Production and Management Animal Nutrition Management
Livestock Production and Management Livestock Production and Management Animal Disease Management
Livestock Production and Management Livestock Production and Management Feed and Fodder technology
Livestock Production and Management Livestock Production and Management Production of quality animal products
Home Science/Women empowerment Home Science/Women empowerment Household food security by kitchen gardening and nutrition gardening
Home Science/Women empowerment Home Science/Women empowerment Design and development of low/minimum cost diet
Home Science/Women empowerment Home Science/Women empowerment Designing and development for high nutrient efficiency diet
Home Science/Women empowerment Home Science/Women empowerment Minimization of nutrient loss in processing
Home Science/Women empowerment Home Science/Women empowerment Processing and cooking
Home Science/Women empowerment Home Science/Women empowerment Gender mainstreaming through SHGs
Home Science/Women empowerment Home Science/Women empowerment Storage loss minimization techniques
Home Science/Women empowerment Home Science/Women empowerment Value addition
Home Science/Women empowerment Home Science/Women empowerment Women empowerment
Home Science/Women empowerment Home Science/Women empowerment Location specific drudgery production
Home Science/Women empowerment Home Science/Women empowerment Rural Crafts
Home Science/Women empowerment Home Science/Women empowerment Women and child care
Agril. Engineering Agril. Engineering Farm machinery and its maintenance
Agril. Engineering Agril. Engineering Installation and maintenance of micro irrigation systems
Agril. Engineering Agril. Engineering Use of Plastics in farming practices
Agril. Engineering Agril. Engineering Production of small tools and implements
Agril. Engineering Agril. Engineering Repair and maintenance of farm machinery and implements
Agril. Engineering Agril. Engineering Small scale processing and value addition
Agril. Engineering Agril. Engineering Post Harvest Technology
Plant Protection Plant Protection Integrated Pest Management
Plant Protection Plant Protection Integrated Disease Management
Plant Protection Plant Protection Bio-control of pests and diseases
Plant Protection Plant Protection Production of bio control agents and bio pesticides
Fisheries Fisheries Integrated fish farming
Fisheries Fisheries Carp breeding and hatchery management
Fisheries Fisheries Carp fry and fingerling rearing
Fisheries Fisheries Composite fish culture
Fisheries Fisheries Hatchery management and culture of freshwater prawn
Fisheries Fisheries Breeding and culture of ornamental fishes
Fisheries Fisheries Portable plastic carp hatchery
Fisheries Fisheries Pen culture of fish and prawn
Fisheries Fisheries Production
Fisheries Fisheries Shrimp farming
Fisheries Fisheries Edible oyster farming
Fisheries Fisheries Pearl culture
Fisheries Fisheries Fish processing and value addition
Production of Inputs at site Production of Inputs at site Seed Production
Production of Inputs at site Production of Inputs at site Planting material production
Production of Inputs at site Production of Inputs at site Bio-agents production
Production of Inputs at site Production of Inputs at site Bio-pesticides production
Production of Inputs at site Production of Inputs at site Bio-fertilizer production
Production of Inputs at site Production of Inputs at site Vermi-compost production
Production of Inputs at site Production of Inputs at site Organic manures production
Production of Inputs at site Production of Inputs at site Production of fry and fingerlings
Production of Inputs at site Production of Inputs at site Production of Bee-colonies and wax sheets
Production of Inputs at site Production of Inputs at site Small tools and implements
Production of Inputs at site Production of Inputs at site Production of livestock feed and fodder
Production of Inputs at site Production of Inputs at site Production of Fish feed
Production of Inputs at site Production of Inputs at site Mushroom production
Production of Inputs at site Production of Inputs at site Apiculture
Capacity Building and Group Dynamics Capacity Building and Group Dynamics Leadership development
Capacity Building and Group Dynamics Capacity Building and Group Dynamics Group dynamics
Capacity Building and Group Dynamics Capacity Building and Group Dynamics Formation and Management of SHGs
Capacity Building and Group Dynamics Capacity Building and Group Dynamics Mobilization of social capital
Capacity Building and Group Dynamics Capacity Building and Group Dynamics Entrepreneurial development of farmers/youths
Agro-forestry Agro-forestry Production technologies
Agro-forestry Agro-forestry Nursery management
Agro-forestry Agro-forestry Integrated Farming Systems

हिंदी ಕನ್ನಡ മലയാളം


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  • MPRs of KVKs need to be uploaded on or before 3rd of every month at KVK portal.
  • Kindly update the KVK profile, events, staff position, facilities and contact details at KVK Portal periodically.
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ICAR Agricultual Technology Application Research Institute(ICAR-ATARI)
Zone-XI, MRS, H.A. Farm Post, Hebbal, Bengaluru - 24.

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Fax       : +91-80-23410615
Email   : atari.bengaluru@icar.gov.in

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